Archive | September, 2012

2 Months and Nearly 3 Weeks Since the Graft

23 Sep

Just a quick update to let you know that everything has still been going really well.  I haven’t (touch wood!) had any problems with the grafted eye and at a follow-up appointment in August Mr Larkin told me everything is looking exactly as it should be.  I am still putting in the drops every 4 hours & I’m not sure when this will reduce again.  I’ve got a follow up appointment in October.  My eye looks really great, no redness at all now and most people who know I have had a graft can’t tell which eye I had done!  Over two months on and I am back to working as much as I need to on the computer with no problems which is great.

The vision in the eye at my last follow up was not as good as it had been at the previous follow-up – apparently this is normal though as the eye settles and the vision can vary day to day.  This is why they don’t fit contact lenses or glasses before 3 months, which completely makes sense as the vision is changing so much at this stage.  It’s been a bit of a tough year this year for me medically but as far as my transplant has gone things could not have gone more smoothly and for that I’m really grateful.

I’ll update again after the next follow-up.  Take care,

Emma x